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Construction Salary Survey January 11, 2010

Posted by carolhagen in budgeting, Construction Industry - Software.
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The Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) Valley of the Sun Chapter in Phoenix AZ has compiled the 2009 comprehensive salary survey as a resource for the construction industry. With commercial, industrial and residential participation from general contractors, highway heavy and specialty trades, the survey addresses office, field and executive compensation and has added specific questions about the economy to help contractors see what the industry is doing with staff, wages and compensation. Here’s a sample of the report to wet your appetite:

The survey will be available for purchase for non-participating firms online January 15, 2010 at http://chapters.cfma.org/ValleyOfTheSun/publications.html and the table of contents can also be viewed there.  The survey was open to all contractors, calls for participation were conducted with the help of numerous construction associations in the state of Arizona and the survey data was collected during November and early December 2009. 

Thank you to the many associations and their members who participated in the survey for recognizing the value you add to the community. I was humbled by the expertise of my fellow survey committee volunteers and their dedication to the industry. 

A special thanks goes to PerfectForms and their employees who automated the data collection and made our efforts paperless and green.

I’d be interested in knowing if any other construction salary surveys have been conducted recently and if their numbers are congruent with the Arizona survey.  Please let me know if you run across other resources (local, regional or national) in the comments and share the links liberally.